Tone Report Weekly Issue 93 | Page 14

Z. Vex Super Seek Trem The name Z. Vex is practically synonymous with innovation at this point, so when a new Z. Vex pedal is released it’s safe to assume that it’s going to do something surprising and make sounds that have never been heard before. The Super Seek Trem isn’t exactly like that, because it’s really just a highly expanded version of Z. Vex’s groundbreaking original Seek Trem (which was totally like that). The original featured an eight-step sequencer that generated a wide range of alien tremolo tones, as well as some other, less easy-toclassify tones, such as long volume swells and echo-like sounds. The Super Seek Trem kicks this formula up a few notches, adding another eight steps to the sequencer, for 16 total. You can select any number of steps for the sequence, allowing the player to tailor the rhythm to the time signature, even if it’s a wacky one. It also adds a metric ton of control options, from expression and tap controls, to MIDI sync, a hold function, glissando control, and eight user programmable presets. The Z. Vex Super Seek Trem is a complex, multi-faceted tremolo playground for the budding trem scientist, but it also can do some surprisingly mellow, throbby, and classic sounding tremolo tones, so less adventurous knob-twisters should not be put off by its futuristic appearance and multitudinous knobs. It’s available in a Vexter Series version, or the hifalutin hand-painted model.  14 TONE TALK // Tremolo Laboratories for Mad Tone Scientists