This one’s for the nutbags who are reading this
article thinking, “ONLY two delays?” TC’s Flashback
Triple Delay might just be the new king of delays.
As one might guess from its name, this stompbox
offers the truly perverted delay deviant the ability
to string together three independent delay engines
at once, each with its own dedicated footswitch,
and with series or parallel operation just a minitoggle switch away. Because TC really did think
of everything, it also offers 11 subdivisions, 16 delay
types (including its four TonePrint slots), tap tempo
to sync up the delay lines on the fly, buffered or
true bypass operation, expression pedal control of
time, level, or feedback, stereo innies and outies,
MIDI control, and tons of headroom for using it
in front of the amp, in the effec ts loop, or with
any kind of non-guitar instrument or audio signal
generator. Add in TC’s much deserved reputation
for impeccable audio quality, and the Flashback
Triple is really looking like the delay pedal to beat
for the obsessive audio time traveler.
5 Delicious Dual Delays
Delay pedal
can vastly
expand upon
the rhythmic
and timbral
of one playing
to too far AND
it can also
into a
of chaotic
repeats BUT
heyTHAT can
be cool tooO