Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 47

the tremolo effect speeds up or slows down as the note decays. Similarly, the Env Depth knob, working in conjunction with the Depth knob (which controls the overall depth of the effect) determines whether the intensity of the effect increases or diminishes as the note decays. This may not sound intuitive, and, in practice—at least initially— it isn’t. But is an incredibly cool feature, and one that the manual does a very good job of explaining. And, if this sounds like a lot of tweaking, remember there are seven or eight preset slots to which the user can save his or her hard work. Further, the Env controls can be disabled simply by setting them to noon, allowing for more traditional effects. However, I think once people dig in to these features they’ll be inspired to use them. For those who feel overwhelmed by the Rate options, I won’t mention that you can get ring modulation out of the pedal (oops), and instead will note that the Super Pulsar has a straight tap tempo function (as well as tempo divide features for complex and fast settings. But I’m not done describing the features. If you look at the Wave knob, it looks like the pedal “only” offers three wave shapes in the first half of the knob’s travel: Sine, Triangle and Square. However, the Shape knob allows the user to warp these shapes, allowing for a variety of tremolo effects. Past noon on the Wave knob are rhythmic settings that allow the tremolo effect to “pulse” to preset intervals, which are further affected by the Shape knob (and can be modified by the user). The Wave Invert switch reverses whatever modulation wave form is in use, allowing the easy creation of “backwards” rise and fall times. There’s also a plain ol’ volume control to adjust output to compensate for severe modulation effects. I haven’t even discussed how useful the Mode button can be (as it can activate some functions with the click of a footswitch), but I need to talk about how good this pedal sounds. If the Super Pulsar has a sonic signature, it’s big, open and lush. I know the pedal is true bypass—something EHX doesn’t always offer—but I have to wonder if there’s more to the signal path because in addition to being astonishingly functional and flexible, it’s a joy to listen to. WHAT WE LIKE The Super Pulsar offers incredibly versatility that really enables the user’s creativity. It sounds amazing and I think it is priced very reasonably. CONCERNS I could complain about the complicated interface, but the manual really takes the sting out of it. Instead, I’ll note that I desperately want this thing on my board and, as of this writing, I don’t know how to make room without giving up one of my many wonderful fuzzes—it’s just a little too big. Of course, this may not be a problem for readers. 47