Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 42

VFE PEDALS FOCUS REVIEW BY PHILLIP DODGE STREET PRICE $219.00 “Focus, young grasshopper, you must focus.” What must you focus on? You must focus on dialing in the perfect mid-boosted lead tone. One that isn’t nasal. One that is somehow thick yet cutting at the same time. Luckily, VFE Pedals created a pedal called the Focus that does just that. It’s designed to hit the front end of your amp with a boosted midrange—a signal that won’t just turn the front end to mush, but will get your power tubes cooking. It does that, but it does more Let’s dig into the design and features of the pedal and then we can get into the sounds and versatility. One way to think of the focus is 42 GEAR REVIEW // sort of like a Tube Screamer without the distortion. It rolls off the lows and highs of your guitar signal, leaving the juicy midrange frequencies behind. The Focus features six controls to help you dial in the precise sound you want with any combination of guitars, amps, and effects (more on that later). In the middle of the pedal, you will find a miniature black potentiometer titled Blend. Like the name implies, this allows you to blend your imputed guitar signal with the effected signal. This is the first place the Focus sets itself apart from other boost and EQ pedals. I found that the Mix control allowed me VFE Pedals Focus to easily adjust the pedal for multiple guitar and pickup types (Humbuckers, singlecoils, solid-body, hollow, you name it). I mentioned earlier that the Focus plays nice with other effects in your chain. I found compelling uses for it both boosting other pedals and with other pedals stacked into it. Running it after a Mad Professor Fire Red Fuzz (basically a Muff circuit), the Focus behaves the way David Gilmour used his Muffs and Tube Drivers. You get the classic timbre of a Muff, but without the fizzy highs and flubby lows. The Focus works equally (but differently) well going into the Fire Red Fuzz.