Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 26

to break free from the suffocating, bandwidth-constricted confines of the Tube Screamer. COLORSOUND OVERDRIVER: Released around 1970, the Colorsound Overdriver was one of the first true overdrive pedals, with tones that ranged from robust, uncolored boost, to amplike drive, to near-Fuzz Face sounds. Its zesty, lyrical tones were a major component of Jeff Beck’s ‘70s-era lead sound, and it also famously fell under the feet of classic rock icons from David Gilmour (who paired it with a Big Muff) to Marc Bolan. In short, it was an uncommonly flexible overdrive that, in hindsight, probably should’ve been a lot more popular than it was. History has been kind to it, though, and today a vintage Colorsound Overdriver can cost you up to 600 smackers. Obviously, that is a ridiculous price to pay for an overdrive pedal, so I would recommend any of the fine copies of this circuit that are floating around today: The Throbak Electronics Overdrive Boost is an 26 TONE TALK // excellent, and highly regarded, improvement upon the Colorsound circuit,  the bad news being that it isn’t really much more affordable, selling for around three hundred dollars new. Other,