Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 11

big time changes. It’s certainly a chameleon boost. It acts as a buffer as well as a clean booster, and it does color the tone slightly, but it sounds so good that you probably won’t care. This is another one of those “always on” type boost pedals, but once you hear one, you probably won’t care. WREN AND CUFF PHAT PHUK/ PHAT PHUK B Wren and Cuff’s Phat Phuk pedals are germanium-equipped boosts that lend a wonderful warmth to your tone as well as a powerful boost. Though they’re not explicitly billed as such, the PP pedals are excellent preamps that you may never want to turn off. Personally, I found that the pink bass version was just as well suited to electric guitar, and I actually preferred the low-end kick in the pants that it offered. Both versions push out the same amount of gain, but the PPB seems to be more of a fullfrequency enhancement. KORG SDD-3000 PREAMP Made famous by The Edge, the Korg SDD-3000 is actually a rackmount digital delay with an incredible sounding preamp that The Edge gets a lot of mileage from. The tone is very warm and full, and the preamp is capable of getting extremely loud. It’s not exactly sparklingly transparent, but it certainly knows how to make your guitar sound like a million bucks. We know it’s not exactly practical to go out and purchase a rack delay and use it as a boost, but some companies make clones of this preamp, like DTS’s SDD-3KP. PHARAOH AMPLIFIERS CLASS-A BOOST One of the original boutique boost pedals, the Pharaoh Class-A Boost is a very versatile boost that can be as transparent or as full and powerful as you could ever want due to its clever Contour knob. This knob changes the character of the Class-A from clean and transparent to huge and powerful with the turn of a knob. While these are discontinued and