Tone Report Weekly Issue 67 | Page 43

with this knob is basically like buying a second pedal, one that requires only adjustment of the instrument volume knob. When the Gravity knob is at nine or so, the guitar’s volume knob will, when turned, modulate the “chirps” that the Gravity circuit produces. All sorts of strange animal noises will emerge from the pedal: birds, dolphin cries, insect buzzing and more. Play with the instrument volume knob enough and one will swear that someone in the other room has foolishly started to play Jumanji, in which one’s room has turned into a jungle. Curiously, the Gravity and Time knobs work in tandem. Below 11 o’clock or so on the Time knob, the Gravity knob controls the animal noises. None of the regular “fuzzolo” sounds will be heard here. However, with Time above 11, the Antichthon will generate a thin, almost digital sort of distortion, a sort of clipped square wave sound. When the Time is at 11 or below, the Gravity knob’s setting will also restrict the range of noises that the guitar’s volume knob will make. So, at 9 o’clock, the guitar’s volume knob will make animal noises between its lowest setting and 3, then stop again up until 7 to full volume. WHAT WE LIKE This is a pedal that demands exploration and patience. Sure, some pretty good transparent fuzz will come out of it with just a bit of fiddling, but its potential will not be realized without that fiddling. Like a good wine, the Antichthon will likely get even better with age, or like a musician, with experience. Highly recommended. CONCERNS Totally off-the-wall animal noises, digital-type square wave distortion, and mellow fuzz all controllable via the instrument’s volume knob. It’s a pedal that, like an unexplored territory, calls for adventure. It’s a minor thing, but the labels were a little hard to read. It would have been nice to have a separate fuzzlevel control as well. 43