Tone Report Weekly Issue 67 | Page 39

clean boost, selectable at the push of a button. The pedal sports a three-band boost/cut EQ section and independent controls for volume and gain. With the OD/Boost switch engaged running into a clean amp, you’ll hear an added tube-like compression that’s natural sounding and pretty darn tasty. With my single-coil and P90-equipped guitars, I was able to get a touch of grind going around 10 o’clock on the gain knob, but the Il Torino really is a low-gainer. Even with the Gain knob cranked, it isn’t likely to overwhelm you from a saturation standpoint. But there is a decent amount of range through the Gain knob— from clean or just a hint of drive to fairly hairy—so I’m sure this could work for stackers, tweakers or players looking for a lowgain drive option with lots of tonal control. On the boost side, well—I can’t think of many options out there that give you a full range of EQ controls on top of enough decibels to push your amp into sweet sounding overdrive or fullon bedlam if it’s already cranked up. Disengaging the OD mode increases the volume a touch, but significantly elevates the headroom and provides a cleaner palette to work with. And that’s the main focus here—lots of volume and plenty of control. The overall sonic footprint is somewhat Marshallinspired to my ears a