This pedal fell criminally under the radar after its release,
and did not really garner much of a splash in guitar circles.
I feel this is a damn shame, since this is probably one of the
best phasers I have ever heard this year (including some
of the hallowed vintage models I have tried). While only
having two stages, it manages to have the warmth and
thump of a Uni-Vibe with the width and space of a phaser.
Putting before a drive or fuzz is an absolutely religious
experience that has to be heard to be believed. For the
clip below, I focused on clean tones so you can really hear
what it’s doing.
Ok, so this is not a strictly “underground” pedal, but it’s
going for stupid cheap on eBay and nobody seems to be
buying them up. The “Black Russian” series of EHX effects
are criminally underrated, and were made at the tail end
of the Sovtek era. There are a lot of great deals to be had
with the Sovtek Small Stones, as there value isn’t as high
as the Sovtek Big Muffs. It’s got all the character of an old
Small Stone without the annoying volume drop, which is
more than enough for the price of entry. In this clip, I run
through clean, phased, and then I switch on the wacky and
awesome signature Small Stone “Color” switch.