Tone Report Weekly Issue 152 | Page 27

A year ago I was convinced I had to have a good tube amp (or two or three and so on). I’ve owned a few from Marshall, a few Fenders, a Vox, a Traynor, and a couple of others I’ve forgotten about now. For live stage use, tube amps can be great, no doubt. For home use, most of these amps just didn’t work that well for my needs. Tube amps work great when driven to a certain level, which is often not compatible for home or studio use; they’re just too loud. Even at some gigs, higher-watt tube amps just aren’t needed. Will there be a seismic shift in guitar players moving away from tube amps to solid-state? Not anytime soon, but it’s great to have alternatives. there’s nothing wrong with that, some indeed have glorious tone . . . just don’t get too caught up in the hype. I see some players spending more time discussing which NOS tubes work best in which positions, with which speaker, and other esoterica. For me, I decided the precious time I have available to play guitar is better spent actually playing guitar. If you find yourself in a similar dilemma, give some of the solid-state gear a try. Quilter, Tech21, and Roland to name a few, might just surprise you. For now, I’m extremely happy with my tone, something that not enough players seem to experience! The forums and social media are filled with “must-have” tube amp offerings, and 27