Tone Report Weekly Issue 142 | Page 24

PEDAL 1: POLTAVA FUZZ WAH Let’s kick things off with a really obscure but incredibly cool tone machine. The Poltava Fuzz Wah is a treadled hybrid fuzz-wah-vibrato-tremolo. The Soviets were big fans of packing absolutely everything into one box, and this pedal is no exception. Thankfully, there is no Cyrillic here (save for the little red button between the pots which is essentially the “engage” switch), and the universal language of pictures drives the controls here. Those two red arcade-like buttons are for engaging the two effects; the bottom one is for the fuzz and the top is for the wah and LFO. From top to 24 TONE TALK // bottom, the controls are Tone, Volume, and LFO speed. When using the wah, you’ll find it’s a completely normal wah until you reach the full toe position, which is when the LFO engages. It’s a chugging throbby mess of a tone, and it couldn’t be more beautiful. Adding the primitive fuzz into the mix makes this thing whirl and scream in strange and messed up ways you have probably never heard before. If you want to hear how it sounds, look up the demo from the ever-excellent Soviet Guitar Effects on YouTube. Back in the U.S.S.R.: 5 Pedals from Behind the Iron Curtain