Tone Report Weekly Issue 126 | Page 66

VICK AUDIO OVERDRIVER REVIEW BY YOEL KREISLER STREET PRICE $129.00 If you don’t know about the pedal wiz Mike Vickery from the deserts of Arizona, you may as well be living under a rock. His pedals have been gaining quite a following among internet tone fiends and guitar players seeking classic and authentic tones at prices that can’t be beat. I have reviewed Vick Audio products before, and today’s offering is in the vein of yet another old favorite of mine, the Colorsound Power Boost/ Overdriver. Fans of fusionera Jeff Beck tones (think Blow by Blow and Wired) will recognize this pedal instantly, as it was his main piece in addition to his Strat 66 GEAR REVIEW // and Marshalls during the time. Fans of David Gilmour will also immediately recognize this pedal, as it was famously smattered on almost every record up until The Wall. Jeff Beck used it as an extra kick to his Marshalls, providing that sweet, singing overdrive that’s found all over those albums. David Gilmour used it as both a glassy overdrive for his Hiwatts, and as a boost and EQ for his Big Muffs, running it after to open up the sound. If you have a bit of confusion in regards to the difference to the Colorsound Power Boost or Colorsound Overdriver, here is the Vick Audio Overdriver straight truth; circuit-wise, there is no difference, the Overdriver version has a master volume and is a more subtle hammerite enclosure, as oppose to its big and bold orange cousin, the Power Boost (apparently the American market didn’t take too well to the screaming orange, so the Overdriver was primarily sold in America). There have been quite a few clones over the years of this classic circuit, and being a huge fan of both David Gilmour and Jeff Beck, I’ve played quite a few of them. Let’s see how the Vick Audio Overdriver stacks up against clones of Power Boosts past.