Tone Report Weekly Issue 126 | Page 23

technology to bring the sound in their head to life. Today’s feature will focus on some of the coolest and wackiest sonic innovations that utilize yesteryear’s tech to make modern tones. Now, I realize that these criteria could include just about any tube amp, but reading on will reveal more specifically what I am referring to. The following units are unbelievable examples of old technology mashing with powerhouse pedals. CLOUD HILL EFFECTS ECHO Delay is one of those primordial, naturally occurring effects that we have attempted to harness and control for musical purposes in many different decades, using many different technologies. Multiple spaced-out microphone placements add depth, space and realism to a recording. Then came tape and magnetic drum delays with the musically pleasing compression and frequency rolloff artifacts, although some viewed these attributes as imperfect when they were at the height of technology. Then came the more reliable—but no less artifact-ridden— BBD analog delays that exuded a dark and squelchy resonant sound that we all know and love today. Again, without the benefit of hindsight, many considered these sonic characteristics to be unwanted bi-products of bucket-brigade devices. Then came the sharp and percussive cutting early digital delays that defined the gaudy later half of the ‘80s. Ironically, as digital sampling became more and more close to mirroring the signal source, we started appreciating the vibe of yesteryears tech, which brings me to this incredible back-and-forward thinking box from Germany. The Cloud Hill Effects Echo inspired the 23