and his detractors equally so. For
many, his pedals symbolize the apex
of tone, the absolute pinnacle of
sonic perfection, albeit at a price that
would make most people spit, scoff,
or faint. The T.E.S. piggybacks off of a
Boss DD-2 circuit, and is more or less
a “Cornishized” version of the classic
delay pedal, featuring a massive grey
box, AC Power, and a T.E.S. mode
that is operated by an 8k filter that
cuts the highs with each repeat. This
specific T.E.S. is the “Boss faceplate”
version, and was only manufactured
for Mass Street Music for a very short
time. I would like to extend a warm
thanks to my friend across the pond,
Phil Robinson, who let me borrow his
T.E.S. for this demo.
Now comes the inevitable question,
which one is the best? The answer
to that is almost as ephemeral as
the repeats on an Echorec, or as
ambiguous as a politician’s answer.
There is no right or wrong here, only
what you perceive is the best. Do
the dark repeats of the Catalinbread
call your name, or does the crushing
weight of the T.E.S. grab your fancy?
Wherever you GAS may propel you,
and wherever your lust takes form,
you can’t go wrong with any of these
pedals. Happy trails, friends!
Happy Trails: The Definitive Binson Echorec Shootout