Michael More, via Wikimedia Commons
Jack White
One of today’s most prolific Whammyists is Jack White of The White Stripes, The
Dead Weather, The Raconteurs, and probably a bunch of other “The...” bands.
White is a master of seamlessly incorporating the Whammy pedal, which one might
be inclined to think of as a very modern, almost futuristic guitar effect, into his
decidedly old-school mashup of punk, blues, and garage rock. In his hands, the
Whammy often sounds surprisingly organic, blending with the saturated bark of his
guitar and amp rig and magnifying its sweet upper-harmonic howl. His unhinged
lead breaks in “Ball and Biscuit” are a great example of this application. White also
uses the Whammy in very subtle fashion on “Seven Nation Army,” where it is used in
octave-down mode to convincingly mimic the sound of a bass guitar.