Tone Report Weekly Issue 118 | Page 44

STEP 1: Place the chip socket in the board, and using a flat object, place on top, then flip over the board to hold it in place. Solder it in. 1. STEP 2: 2. Insert the resistors into the board. If using two 1M resistors in series for the 2M resistor, insert 1M resistors into each side of the 2M on the diagram. Twist the exposed leads together, and gingerly solder the twist, then clip. As for the other resistors, bend the leads outward, solder, then clip. Save the leads. STEP 3: Use the clipped leads to form the four jumper wires. Solder them in and clip off the excess. 3. 44 TONE TALK // Earth’s Bounty: Build your very own Earth Sound Research Graphic Fuzz