Tone Report Weekly 188 | Page 39

Rickenbacker 300 Series & Vox AC30 Crystal clear sounds from both sides of the pond! Rickenbacker had kicked around since the ‘20s after being founded by lap-steel player George Beauchamp and Swiss craftsman Adolph Rickenbacher. The company would jump head first into the rock scene with its semi-acoustic, thru- body constructed 300 guitars, known for their distinctive shapes and jangling tones from the maple bodies and “Toaster Top” pick-ups. The 300 series would forever be intertwined with the Beatles when John Lennon played his pawn shop 325 (obtained during the band’s early days in Hamburg) on the band’s legendary Ed Sullivan performance. power while still maintaining tonal clarity. Later players like Tom Petty, U2’s The Edge, and REM’s Peter Buck would splendidly use this beautiful top end, while Brian May’s Queen would use the extreme volume for creamy hard rock goodness. Sharing the stage with Lennon and the boys would be the British born Vox AC30, a souped-up version of the company’s earlier 15-watt model built to compete with Fender’s higher volume amps. Paired with Celestion Alnico blue speakers, the AC30 was known was providing crystal clear tones and balanced harmonics even as volume increased. The Beatles would demand higher volumes for the bigger shows they played, but early amps never crossing 60-watts meant Vox could have a lot of 39