Tone Report Weekly 187 | Page 40

DIGITAL MAN After so many years of using Gibson guitars, Lifeson would finally get two signature models from the company. First was an Alpine White ES-355, based off the same model he’d brought on so many tours. Next would be the Les Paul Axcess, equipped with a Floyd Rose bridge, Alnico humbucker pickups, and a piezo circuit for acoustic sounds. Lifeson would favor gain-heavy Hughes & Kettner amps for most of the decade before producing his own signature amp: the Lerxst Omega. Based off a Marshall Silver Jubilee he used for most of Rush’s 2012 LP Clockwork Angels, he’d pair this 50-watt wonder with a Mesa Mark V for clean sounds, a Hughes & Kettner Coreblade for heavier sounds, and a Macbook running Apple Mainstage software. The Spatial Expander still remains a large facet of his sound, though now it’s paired with a trio of the ubiquitous Fractal Audio Axe-FX units. 40 TONE TALK // The Working Man: The Evolution of Rush’s Alex Lifeson and How to Achieve His Sound