Tomah Chamber & Visitors Center Newsletter November 2019 Newsletter_digital | Page 8

TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Sunday, Dec. 8 6:30 p.m Murray’s on Main 810 Superior Ave., Tomah HOLIDAY LOVE LIGHT We will mark this special occasion with music, reading of names & refreshments Give a true gift of love, with the purchase of a Hospice Love Light to remember a special friend, relative or loved one who is no longer with us. Deadline Dec. 2 | Call 608-374-0250 for more details TOMAH LOVE LIGHT ORDER FORM Please print clearly and fi ll out completely Your Name Telephone Address City MEMORIAL LIGHTS 1. In memory of (name) Check one: light ($5.00 each) Send acknowledgment to: Address: State Zip string ($25.00 each) 2. In memory of (name) Check one: light ($5.00 each) Send acknowledgment to: string ($25.00 each) Address: Total number of lights x $5.00 $ Total number of strings x $25.00 $ Please return this form, along with your check (payable to Hospice Touch) to: 601 Straw St., Tomah, WI 54660 For a small donation, you can designate the person you wish to remember and a card will be sent to the family acknowledging your gift. | 608.372.2181 | 501 Gopher Drive | Tomah, Wisconsin