Tomah Chamber & Visitors Center Newsletter February Newsletter | Page 10
Do YouKnow
What YouHave
WorkingFor You?
A few short weeks ago, your 2019 Board of Directors held its
annual board retreat and planning session. This was my 6th time attending this meeting (my first year was as a
member of the Executive Committee and the last 5 years have been as your President/CEO). Last year we spent
time getting ourselves up to date as an organization. We updated bylaws and policies and refreshed some of our
practices. This year was the invigorating and inspiring because we addressed such issues as past due memberships
and member invoices, how to grow our membership, and how to increase our revenues. Sounds thrilling, doesn’t it?
It does to me…and here’s why:
The better that we perform and the more that we increase our revenues and membership, means the more that we get
to invest in improving Tomah. Each of you have some similar goals: To grow your business. Our goal is the same, but
we do it through developing programs and events that make Tomah a great place to live and prosper. One of the ways
you do that by investing in the Chamber and the better the Chamber does, the better equipped you are to reaching
your goals. We are all in the business of economic development and business growth. There are many tools you
use to help you achieve growth. The most fundamental, primary and easiest tool you have at your disposal is your
Chamber membership. It should be the first tool in your toolbox and the one that you have the strongest relationship
We are doing things these last few years and in the years to come different from how we’ve done them in the past.
We’ve moving ahead of the curve. We have our ears to the ground and are acutely aware of what your needs are while
continuously finding solutions for you. Beyond simply needs and solutions, we have the right people in the right
positions. This is regarding staff, board members and volunteers. Each of which are equally important in their own
right. If you haven’t met Shay Jilek or Kari Mlsna yet, please stop by and do so. Our Executive Committee is composed
of Matt Buswell, Jeff Cram, Chris Dawley, Michelle Hagman, Mitch Koel and Robin Pierce. Our Full Board includes
those members plus Derek Burnstad, Kyle Evans, Jeremy Haldeman, Amanda Konsitzke, Anna Meyer, and Kim Gerke
Voigt (plus ex-officios Victoria Brahm, Roger Gorius, Nicole Purvis, Tonya Townsell, and Cindy Zahrte). We have been
blessed over the course of the last 5+ decades with extremely talented individuals. This year is no exception. We are
blessed with premier leadership and people who are passionate about your goals! That’s right, you have, working for
you, 20 (plus volunteers) of Tomah’s premier leadership working for your goals! Read that as many times as you need
to to soak in what that means. These folks are actively working to make your business better, for the simple cost of
your membership. When you see fellow members of the Tomah Chamber, please take a moment to acknowledge that
they’re on your team. When you see one of the aforementioned board members, please take a moment to reflect
upon the hours of work that they are putting in to help your business reach its goals. The Chamber isn’t just me or
Shay or Kari. It is so many more people that believe in this community…it’s YOU!
When you write that check out every year, please know that your investment dollars are going to build your business
through all of the programs, all of the events, and all of the staff, board members and volunteers that the Chamber
has pulling for you.
Thank you for letting me serve you in this capacity. Not only am I truly grateful for your trust, but also your continued
faith in our work.