TOJ_AnnualReport_2022_web | Page 8



Monitor Construction and Impacts of the U . S . 1 Bridge
Town staff regularly attends Florida Department of Transportation ( FDOT ) progress meetings and has worked with the Jupiter Lighthouse Museum to minimize construction impacts . Costs incurred by the museum are reviewed monthly and submitted to FDOT for payment .
The U . S . 1 bridge will close to vehicular traffic in March 2023 as Florida Department of Transportation crews work to replace the bridge .
FDOT personnel have also taken part in two Connect with Council Open Houses ( for more information , see page 20 ) and provided Town Council with a progress update at its January 17 , 2023 meeting . The Town provides updates on construction impacts on area businesses , residents and traffic on its social media outlets , website and via the Town ’ s email list .
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The Town ’ s Business Community Liaison ( for more information , see page 6 ) has also reached out to businesses that will be impacted by the bridge ’ s closure . A meeting was held in December between the Town and interested businesses to discuss how the Town could help those organizations that will be affected by the bridges upcoming closure .