TOJ_AnnualReport_2022_web | Página 6


Strong Local Economy

Promote the Revitalization of Cypress Drive
The Town launched a matching grant program aimed at aiding businesses along Cypress Drive that wish to improve their façade or curb appeal . Two requests from eligible businesses were received and staff recommendations for grant awards will be made to the Town Council in early 2023 .
Planning and Zoning and Utilities staff discuss the matching grant program with Cypress Drive business owners in the summer of 2022 .
Support the Business Community
The Town introduced the Business Community Liaison ( for more information , see page 6 ), which is focused on helping area businesses navigate Town processes . A dedicated webpage on the Town ’ s website was created to share helpful information and links .
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The Town also established a new Business Advisory Council that provides input and feedback to the Town . Composed of a variety of Jupiter businesses , the eight-member Advisory Council had its first meeting in October and will meet quarterly going forward .