The Jupiter Police Department monitors for derelict vessels to keep Jupiter ’ s waterways pristine .
Remove Derelict and At-Risk Vessels from Jupiter ’ s Waterways
The Jupiter Police Department continues to monitor for the presence of derelict and at-risk vessels , as defined by the Florida State Statutes , in Jupiter ’ s waterways . In October , the Police Department provided Town Council with a presentation outlining the Florida State Statutes and the State of Florida ’ s Derelict Vessel Removal Process . The Police Department also publishes a quarterly report detailing actions , if any , taken in regards to derelict vessels .
Enhance Jones Creek
In previous years Town staff has met with residents residing along Jones Creek , the banks of which had become overgrown with exotics . A project to establish canal maintenance was proposed and a Request for Proposals ( RFP ) issued . In October , the RFP was reissued . The award of the contract is pending the conclusion of the process to establish a special assessment district of the neighboring properties for the annual maintenance of the creek .
Green , Blue , and Open Spaces
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