Let’s change the world together
Page 5..........................................................................
Counting on Fingers
Page 6..........................................................................
Phrases and Clauses
and Sentences
Page 8..........................................................................
The Eyes Have it!
Page 10........................................................................
The Great Plague
Page 12.......................................................................
Learning Through Games Coordinates and Strategy Skills
And So a New School Year Starts,
At least we call it a year but in truth
a school year is usually only 39
weeks, so really only 75% of a year.
Then we need to knock off
Saturdays and Sundays which
brings us to just over 53% of days
in the year at school.
Well, we say “school days” but
in fact most children are only in
school between 9.00 and 3.30 of
which an hour at least is taken up
by lunch and playtimes, so let’s call
it 5.5 hours a day giving a total of
just 1078 hours of active learning
in a year.
The reality is that our children are
only being taught for 12.3% of a
year! It’s not hard to understand
why it is vital that those 1078 hours
a year are spent in class.
This “year” I call on all parents to
make sure they do their best to
ensure their children are in school
as much as possible, please
organise your visits to dentists and
opticians etc. out of school hours.
Your school will be grateful and
your child might be a little better
educated thanks to your careful
planning. And if your child can
achieve 100% attendance this year,
give yourself an enormous pat on
the back!
Ian Birchenough
Ian Birchenough
Page 14........................................................................
Who is treading on your dreams?
Page 16........................................................................
What’s in a Name?
Page 19........................................................................
Youtube - Top 5 Tips
For Parents
Page 20.......................................................................
Learning Spellings Can Be Fun
Page 22.......................................................................
William Shakespeare,
Man of Mystery
Page 25.......................................................................
National Trust Competition
Page 26.......................................................................
Learning Mathematics and
Science through Nursery Rhymes
Page 29.......................................................................
The English Language
Page 30.......................................................................
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