Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine | Page 16

P RA CT I CE MA NA GE ME NT Cancer Survivorship By Manpreet Chadha, MD There are estimated to be 14 million cancer survivors in the United States based on a report by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Cancer Institute, and more than 32 million cancer survivors worldwide. Unfortunately, many of these cancer survivors experience long-term side effects including physical, psychosocial and emotional. Cancer of breast, prostate, colon and rectum, and melanoma together accounted for more than half of cancer survivors. More than 46% of the cancer survivors are over 70 years of age. At least 50% of survivors experience some late effect of cancer treatment. As the number of cancer survivors continues to grow, it is important to address the unique needs of these survivors. Many survivors face limited access to healthcare specialists, a lack of information about promising new treatments, inadequate or no insurance, difficulty finding employment, and psychosocial struggles. 15 TODAY ’ S P R A C T I C E: C H A N G I N G T H E B U S INES S OF M EDI C I NE