Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine TP2018Q2DigitalEditionWeb | Page 41

Chief Revenue Officer Bob Smith 5. Create and monitor your performance dashboard, with spend and ROI limits. 6. Review daily and weekly for the first 6 weeks then weekly and/or monthly for the next 2 Quarters. As the CRO, you only care about revenues and margins, while focusing on achieving the largest potential possi- ble in your chosen marketplace. Everything else is secondary. After you have it clear, take off the CRO hat and put on your CEO hat, to make sure that the revenue focus includes the needs of the whole practice.   To your success. The Physician of today needs to wear many hats, and too often they end up wearing multiple at the same time. It doesn’t work, and isn’t sustainable. about the author: Robert E. Smith Founder, Founded MySuccess, Inc. after 12 years in computer industry sales operations, developing successful marketing strategy for hardware and software resellers of big names such as Satellite Software, Wang Laboratories and Data General. Because of that experience, Bob Smith became very interested in the dynamics that occur in Working Relationships, Communication and Perfor- mance Strategy the fields of Marketing, Sales and Executive Leadership. He applied studies from program work at MIT Systems Thinking Lab, along with Organization and Growth Strategy and beyond with MAP (mental Aptitude Patterning) Relationship and Communication tools. Bob now works with key individuals and teams within companies that want to boost perfor- mance through Relationship He has provided corporate and executive strategy for industry leaders such as Marriot Corporation, Sears, Northwest Airlines, Children’s Hospital, Pulte Homes, Staples Inc., GAP Inc. and numerous startups and fast growth companies. TODAY’S PRA C T I C E: C HA NGI NG T HE BUS I NES S OF M EDICINE 40