Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine SW Edition Q1 2015 | страница 15

What was she saying? How often has this happened to you? Be honest. .. by cynthia ackrill, md You are right in the middle of a conversation…and suddenly you realize you have followed your own thoughts down some pathway so far that you have no earthly idea what the other person just said. Maybe you are still forming a rebuttal to a statement 4 sentences ago, or maybe you are thinking 5 steps ahead about your idea. Or perhaps you are processing some emotion that bubbled up from your subconscious when she mentioned a sticky quality review issue, or you realized that you don’t even know about this issue. Or you really just sidetracked wondering if you remembered to take your extra key fob out the pants you dropped off at the cleaners. Whatever the case… now you have to scramble and choose whether to admit you were not listening, or use one of the well-rehearsed filler statements to buy some time to catch on and look like you knew what was going on all along. January 2015 TODAY’S PRA C T I C E: C HA NGI NG T HE BUS I NES S OF M EDI C I NE 14