Today's Practice: Changing the Business of Medicine SW Edition Q1 2015 | Page 10

P RA CT I CE MA NA GE ME NT 11 guidelines to building a prosperous team by Chris Atley I use the word prosperous, because building a team is of the utmost importance in creating a successful practice. It can really make or break your success. If your team is unmotivated, it will effect how they interact with your patients, their decision-making, and their efficiency level. If they are motivated and connected to their job, they will make great decisions and will be a joy to be around. This in turn will affect staff productivity levels and the experience your clients will have, which directly relate to repeat business and your bottom line. 9 TODAY ’ S P R A C T I C E : C H A N G I N G T H E B U S I N E S S OF M EDI C I NE Ja nua r y 2015