Today's House Husband october2013 | Page 13


If you want to hear a shockingly bizarre statistic, they don’t come much more shocking or bizarre than this: men account for ninety three percent of all workplace deaths in America. Ninety three percent. That’s such a disproportionate number that it shouldn’t be possible even by accident—especially considering women work forty three percent of all hours worked each year. This isn’t a cherry-picked piece of data either: this article from way back in 1995 reports similar numbers.Obviously, most of this is to do with blue-collar men tending to work the most-dangerous jobs. Fishermen, loggers and truck drivers have the highest fatality rates in the country, followed by airline pilots and flight engineers. But the fact remains that being male makes you more-likely to die in the workplace; a strange and unsettling fact that goes almost entirely unreported.