Today's House Husband 4 | Page 21

Age 25-34

As they forge ahead in their careers, women at this age begin to take a more long-term view, but are still susceptible to a dashing man; physical attraction is more important than ever

Sexual compatibility is more important to 25-34s than at any other stage in their lives

Ambition is also important, with almost two thirds citing this as a key trait in a man

Dr. D’Felice said: 'As we grow in confidence and invest in our own careers, partners who are doing the same become very attractive to us.

'And while we’re young and sexy it is natural that we want our dates to reflect this aspect of ourselves as well.

'This mirroring of ambition and looks reflects these years when we are consolidating our persona; working out who we are and what we want.'

Age 35-44

As they look to settle down, women aged 35-44 are most likely to have their head turned by an older man. 73 per cent would be willing to date someone more than five years their senior

Social graces are also an absolute must-have at this stage in life. Less than 1 per cent of the females surveyed said they would date a man with bad manners

Dr. D’Felice: 'Priorities shift as we begin to think of commitment and family life.

'Men who are established, stable, successful and have life experience become very attractive to women at this age, offering the depth of resources (both material and emotional) required for successful partnership.'