Today's House Husband 4 | Página 2

If only we could put more hours in to a day ,we could get so much more done.And with the nights drawing in ,it seems we are getting less hours.Of course this does mean more time in the office and less in the garden or walking the dog for hours at a time.

Be came a Grandad earlier this month.Funny feelin.Its like you still feel 22 but your a grandad and if you can remember back to your grandad ,he was ancient.Mine was Grandad Jack who just sat there smoking a pipe and laughing ti himself.

Also been looking into online Radio and maybe staring that up in the not too distant future.Ireally enjoy Radio,gives me a sence of freedom ,espeally online as you can get away with so much more ,well for now anyway. I have been looking into equipment ,not new but second hand bits from here n there,any way will keep you informed.

So if you are new here and interested in what im doing please go and look at the website