1325 Sumneytown Pike P . O . Box 901 Gwynedd Valley , PA 19437-0901
Office for University Advancement
2021-2022 ANNUAL FUND
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond , GMercyU graduates set out to do what they do best : spread MERCY . As the expression goes , they don ’ t just talk the talk , they walk the walk ! They prove that GMercyU ’ s mission is more than just words as they answer the call to serve and create a more humane and compassionate world in which to live .
Becoming a Distinctive Mercy Graduate doesn ’ t happen overnight . GMercyU students progress through a program for professional and personal development called The Griffin Edge , which guides students through a reflective and intentional journey to explore how Mercy values and their time at GMercyU can positively impact their futures .
Your support is what makes the GMercyU experience possible !
Please support Gwynedd Mercy University today !
PHONE : Mia McGlynn , Director of Annual Giving , 215-641-5568