In This Issue
Gwynedd Mercy University Today is published twice a year for alumni and friends of the University . This issue includes the 2019-20 President ' s Report . Your comments and suggestions are welcome .
Gerald T . McLaughlin Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Kelly Statmore Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Management
Co-Editors : Deb O ' Reilly Meghan Orsino Kirsten Swanson
Design : Donna Smyrl
Video : Meghan Orsino Kirsten Swanson
Photography : Deb O ' Reilly Meghan Orsino Chris Panter Jim Roese Donna Smyrl Kirsten Swanson
On the Cover : Class of 2020 graduates celebrate during GMercyU ' s drive-through celebration .
Photo by : Jim Roese
Rising to the Challenge
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit , Griffins stepped up and made a difference .
Honoring the Class of 2020 :
With the COVID-19 pandemic changing the way in which the world operates , GMercyU found unique ways to make the most out of an unprecedented scenario – as a community .
A Lasting Legacy :
Frances M . Maguire ' 55
GMercyU mourns the loss of an outstanding alumna and benefactor .
What ’ s New at GMercyU
Sports Wrap-Up
Class Notes
President ' s Report
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