Annual Fund Donor Report
Annual Fund Gifts Help Build a Better Tomorrow for GMercyU and Its Students
The Annual Fund is one of Gwynedd Mercy University ’ s most important sources of support that can be applied to an area of essential need , including student scholarships , operational expenses , and academic programming .
For today ’ s students , receiving private support is more critical than ever to achieving academic and career goals . Scholarships remain one of the most significant resources we offer our students . Last year , Gwynedd Mercy University awarded $ 22.2 million in scholarships . Your Annual Fund gift helps to meet that need and reinforces our commitment to provide students with an affordable , high-quality , Catholic education that upholds the Mercy mission of service to others .
In addition to student scholarships , your Annual Fund contributions benefit the entire Gwynedd Mercy University community . Campus enhancements over the past year included the new Loop Road , pedestrain walkways , and landscaping throughout campus .
Every gift , no matter the size , has the potential to make a difference in the lives of our students and positively impact the future of our University . Thank you for your continued generosity and support of Gwynedd Mercy University .
The Annual Report reflects all donations received by the University during fiscal year 2019-2020 ( July 1 , 2019 - June 30 , 2020 ). Contributions received on or after July 1 , 2020 will be acknowledged in the next donor report .
Gifts are reported by a variety of categories : giving clubs , alumni , friends , parents , faculty and staff . Foundation support , corporate matching gifts and scholarships are also included . Gifts may include any of the following : gifts of cash , gifts of stock , matching gifts , bequests , planned gifts , independently appraised gifts-inkind , real estate , insurance programs , trusts and estates . Government grants are those that the University applied for and were funded for the reporting period .
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report . If a name has been misspelled / omitted , or if a gift has been recorded incorrectly , we appreciate your assistance by reporting it to the Office of Institutional Advancement at 215- 641-5550 . For information on ways to invest in Gwynedd Mercy University , please call the University at the above phone number or visit the website at gmercyu . edu .
Total Funds Raised 2019-2020 Unrestricted Alumni .......................................................................... $ 83,000 Board .............................................................................. 39,000 Faculty & Staff ................................................................. 27,000 Friends .............................................................................. 8,000 Parents .............................................................................. 1,000 President ' s Council ............................................................ 11,000 Fundraising Events ........................................................... 49,000 Total Unrestricted ..............................................$ 218,000
Purpose Restricted Institutional Support .................................................... $ 299,000 Student Aid ..................................................................... 372,000 Academic Support .......................................................... 461,000 Instruction ..................................................................... 200,000 Student Support ................................................................ 47,000 Athletics ......................................................................... 150,000 Total Purpose Restricted ...................................$ 1,529,000
Donor Restricted Endowment Institutional Support ........................................................ $ 9,000 Student Aid ( Scholarships )............................................... 81,000 Public Service ................................................................. 175,000 Academic Support .............................................................. 3,000 Instruction ........................................................................ 10,000 Total Donor Restricted Endowment ........................$ 278,000
Government Appropriations Institutional Support ................................................. $ 2,283,000 Student Aid .................................................................. 1,169,000 Instruction ....................................................................... 61,000 Total Government Appropriations ....................... $ 3,513,000
Grand Total ................................................... $ 5,538,000