Today Magazine issue 5 | Page 7

Roblox Weekly Roundup is here!

A couple weeks ago we posted a new section to our website. It includes the Roblox Blog. But it is just the weekly round up. Everything you find on that page will be in the magazine. But wait! We will be making a page for you guys (our fans) for your post. Like if you want

robloxians to be

visiting your place

we can post it on

that page for you.

But it will only be there for 24 or 48 hours. If you want it there longer it will cost you, maybe around 2 roblox or 100 tix. (Hint: You must be atleast bc , tbc or obc for your ad to go up for free.) We will get started on that page when we gets a free time. Check it out the roblox weekly roundup page here at