One of the worlds' most known programme is EF, which stands for Education First. Although its original name was Europeiska Ferieskolan (European School of Vacation) since it was founded by a Swedish man, named Bertil Hult.
This organization has been helping a lot of students around the world.
This company has a lot of programmes such as, an intensive language course, an international business school, holiday camps, student exchange, and a lot more .
If you choose to endure in a holiday camp, you will not only learn a new language but, you will also do a lot of cultural and sports activities, which will lead you to make a lot of friendships and to have lots of fun.
This shows that you will never be alone in a group or a classroom, because you're not the only that comes from one side of the world alone, risking everything for the most educational and fun experience of your life.
If you wish to join the EF family, you can go to their website and choose from the variety of Programmes that they have!
Bertil Hult