Friends around the world?

Nowadays there is such a bigger ease to communicate with people from other countries. Your friend can be outside the country and you can still talk to him about your day as if he were in front of you. For this reason, we have to thank technology that has allowed us to not lose contact with those we love.

Technology, as we know, gave us many ways to communicate with each other, for example, social media, e-mail, cell-phone calls etc…

So with those many ways of communication, we can talk with people from everywhere, and that is the dangerous part of the Internet because we can meet people that we don’t even know. A cyber friend is “a friend with whom one communicates only through the Internet or cyberspace”, as Your Dictionary defines it; is a person who you have not ever met face to face. It can be really dangerous, especially for kids and teenagers, if they are not careful. If you click on the photo next to this text, you can find ways to keep yourself safe online.

So, carefully, it doesn't always have to be a bad thing. You can meet people from everywhere that have things in common with you and then you can become really good friends! Cyber friends can be important especially when you are about to go studying aboard. You can talk with someone who lives in the country you are about to go study and get more information about the country, and who knows, you can even become really good friends. You can even find someone who is about to study on the same course and university as you and start becoming friends before you arrive there.


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