Starting sixth form or college could present new challenges for your child , particularly if they are studying in a new environment , so they might need a bit of extra support while they settle in . This year they will also need to start thinking about what to do when they have finished their A levels or other qualifications .
The move from school to sixth form or college can take a bit of getting used to . Your child ’ s studies will be more challenging academically and they ’ ll have to take more responsibility for their own education . If they are at a new sixth form or college , they ’ ll also need to learn to find their way around a new building , get used to new teachers and get to know new classmates . Even if they stay at the same school , there are likely to be new rules , responsibilities and ways of working .
Sometimes students can struggle to adapt ; it ’ s good to be aware of this so you can offer your support should your child need it .
• If your child is going somewhere new , make sure they are confident about how to get there and what they need to do on their first day .
• They will probably have more free time than they did at school , so it ’ s useful if they can share their timetable with you so that you know when they are going in .
• Find out what support is available at their school / college , so that you can encourage them to seek help if they need it . For example , at college they are likely to have a personal tutor , subject tutors and access to student support services .
• Chat with them regularly to find out how they feel things are going .
• If they are finding things difficult , contact the school / college sooner rather than later and talk to their personal tutor to see what support can be put in place .
• If they feel the subjects or courses they have chosen really aren ’ t right for them , it may be possible to change . However , they should talk to their tutors about this as soon as possible as they may not be able to swap courses beyond a certain deadline .