Key dates and decisions during this important year .
• Support your child to find out about their options after Year 11 . Websites such as www . ucas . com / what-are-my-options and www . careerpilot . org . uk / information / yourchoices-at-16 / help-with-choosing-your-post- 16-options are a good place to start .
• They can contact colleges , sixth forms and training providers for more information .
• If they need careers advice , your child should talk to their school ’ s careers co-ordinator or tutor . Or they can call a National Careers Service adviser on 0800 100900 .
• Visit college , sixth form and training provider open days or evenings with your child .
• Support your child to apply direct for college or sixth form courses . Encourage them to apply for two choices – a first choice and a backup .
• If they want to look for an apprenticeship or job with training after Year 11 , encourage them to register with https :// www . gov . uk / apply-apprenticeship
• If they want to join the Army , Navy or Air Force they need to contact an Armed Forces Careers Office .
• Help your child prepare for any interviews they are asked to attend .
• If your child is interested in an apprenticeship , November to February is a good time for them to look , as many larger companies advertise places then . Check individual company websites or go to www . apprenticeships . org . uk
• Help your child to write letters to companies to ask about apprenticeships .
• The end of the spring term is a good time to look out for taster days , residentials and other opportunities at colleges and universities that take place in the summer holidays .
• If they are looking to continue their studies full time and money is a concern , contact colleges , sixth forms and training providers to ask about the 16-18 Bursary Fund .
• Get in touch with your local council for information about public transport discounts for travel to sixth form or college .