KEEPING FOCUSED The internet can be a big distraction . If your child can ’ t resist the temptation to browse or check social media , suggest they look into using an online ‘ distraction blocker ’ tool . There are a range to choose from , all designed to restrict access to certain websites during particular time periods that your child can set .
As exams get closer your child might feel overwhelmed or panicky about the amount they have to do . To help them focus , they can ask their teachers about the most important areas to work on . If needed , help them to review their revision plan and prioritise the most important subjects . computer and phone screens before bed .
• Encourage them to get out of the house sometimes – a bit of fresh air and exercise can help clear their head if they feel bogged down .
• Encourage them to stay in touch with positivethinking friends – they can have a moan together but also motivate one another .
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Although they might not show it , your child will value your opinion and will want to get good results to please you . Encourage them to believe in their abilities but try not to put too much pressure on them . Let them know that you ’ ll support and love them whatever happens .
EXAM DAY PRACTICALITIES Check that your child :
• Is clear about the location and timing of their exams .
• Has all the stationery and equipment they need for the exam room , such as blue / black pens or the right type of calculator .
EXTRA HELP If you think your child might need extra help :
• Talk to their school to find out if they run breakfast or after-school revision sessions or past paper practice .
• You might choose to pay for extra tuition for your child .
• Let your child know that you are interested and that you are there if they want to talk , but try to avoid nagging or making too many demands on them .
• Keep the fridge well stocked with healthy snacks and try to make sure your child eats regular , nutritious meals . Encourage them to join you for family meals so that they get a break .
• Sleep is important too – a good night ’ s sleep will probably benefit them more than latenight cramming before an exam . If possible , encourage them to have a break from TV ,
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT GCSE REVISION , INCLUDING TIPS , VIDEOS AND GUIDES Collins4Parents https :// collins . co . uk / pages / revision-collins-4- parents-secondary