Your child might decide to continue their education in the sixth form of their current school . However , if they want to explore alternatives , looking at school and college websites and sending off for prospectuses will help you and your child get a picture of the courses available and the culture and approach of different institutions . However , the best way to get a feel for whether a school or college is right for your child is to see it for yourselves at an open event . These can take place in the evening or daytime , and schools / colleges will advertise the dates on their websites . Some may offer more than one date .
You can support your child by offering to help them with their research , helping them to think of questions to ask at open events , and going along to the events with them .
Sixth forms and further education colleges tend to have different cultures and teaching approaches . At a school sixth form students may still have to wear uniform , attend assemblies and work to a structured timetable . Further education colleges tend to be less formal and expect students to take more responsibility for their learning . Sixth form colleges ( not attached to a school ) are often a middle ground between the two . Encourage your child to think about what suits them and their learning style . Do they like the idea of staying in a familiar and more structured setting , with teachers and classmates they know , or do they feel ready for a bit more independence – and if so , have they got the self-discipline and maturity to thrive in a college environment ?
BOOK EARLY It ’ s worth going along to open events as soon as you can during Year 11 , as it will help your child to make up their mind about what to do next . Next September may seem a long way away , but the time will pass quickly during this busy year . Many schools and colleges hold open events in the autumn and spring terms for courses starting the following September .
DO SOME RESEARCH BEFOREHAND Encourage your child to explore the school / college website or prospectus before the visit , and suggest they think about any questions they ’ d like to ask . Do the same yourself . As well as looking at the courses on offer , it ’ s also a good idea to consider practicalities such as how your child would get to the school / college , how long the journey would take every day and how much it would cost , as this will all contribute to their decision . If you are given a programme or guide when you arrive on the day , have a quick look through it together straight away to make sure you don ’ t miss anything .
GET INVOLVED The open event is likely to include activities such as talks , tours and ‘ hands-on ’ introductory practical sessions in different subject areas . Encourage your child to get involved so that they gain as much information as possible and get a feel for the place .
TALK TO STAFF AND STUDENTS You ’ ll have the chance to ask staff any questions you have about the courses and facilities on offer . Encourage your child to talk directly to staff too .