We supported our child ’ s GCSE decisions by going to options evenings with subject teachers and discussing the choices available . We also had to consider the timetabling as it meant some subjects weren ’ t available if other options were chosen .
Some schools offer vocational ( work-related ) courses alongside GCSEs . Offering a mix of practical and theoretical learning related to a specific career , these can be a good choice if your child has a particular job in mind and wants to gain relevant skills and experience . The qualifications that are most commonly available at this level are BTECs and OCR Cambridge Nationals .
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Careerpilot www . careerpilot . org . uk / information / yourchoices-at-14
The Uni Guide www . theuniguide . co . uk / advice / a-levelchoices / what-are-btecs
Pearson https :// qualifications . pearson . com / en / aboutus / qualification-brands / btec . html
OCR www . ocr . org . uk / qualifications / by-type / cambridge-nationals