actions deemed as predatorial
Although apple normally do an excellent job of hiding their predatorial behaviour recent leak and article was formed on the mistreatment and suicide of Foxconn’s employees whom are the main manufacturer of Apple products. Worker after worker threw themselves off the towering dorm buildings, sometimes in broad daylight, in tragic displays of desperation – and in protest at the work conditions inside. There were 18 reported suicide attempts that year alone and 14 confirmed deaths. Suicide notes and survivors told of immense stress, long workdays and harsh managers who were prone to humiliate workers for mistakes, of unfair fines and un kept promises of benefits. The corporate response spurred further unease: Foxconn CEO, Terry Gou, had large nets installed outside many of the buildings to catch falling bodies. The company hired counselors and workers were made to sign pledges stating they would not attempt to kill themselves. Steve Jobs, for his part, declared: “We’re all over that” when asked about the spate of deaths and he pointed out that the rate of suicides at Foxconn was within the national average. One employee spoke out about the horrid conditions “It’s not a good place for human beings,” says one of the young men, who goes by the name Xu. Who worked in Longhua for about a year, until a couple of months ago, and also went on to say that the conditions have not improved at all since the media coverage’
Score B+( Apple normally do a good job of hiding their predatory actions however with this recent media converge its clear apple main agenda is revenue over anything.