TMR_Research_Reports_2017 Polyester Staple Fiber Market Size 2024 | Page 4

Polyester Staple Fiber Market 2.1 Assumptions and Acronyms Used 2.2 Research Methodology 3. Executive Summary 3.1 Global Polyester Staple Fiber Market Size, By Market Value (US$ Mn) and Market Value Share, By Region, 2015 3.2 Regional Overview, 2024 3.3 Top 3 Application Share % Market Share Global 4. Market Overview 4.1 Product Overview 4.2 Key Industry Developments 4.3 Polyester Staple Fiber Market Overview, 2015 and 2024 4.4 Market Indicators 4.5 Drivers and Restraints Snapshot Analysis 4.6 Key Insights 4.7 Global Demand-Supply Scenario, 2015–2020 4.8 Porter’s Analysis 4.9 Value Chain Analysis 4.10 List of Manufacturers 4.11 List of Mills 4.12 List of Retailers/Brand 4.13 List of End Users 4.14 Polyester Staple Fiber Market Outlook, by % Market Share (by Revenue), 2016 4.15 Market Value Share, by End-user (2016) 5. Global Polyester Staple Fiber Market Analysis By Origin 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Key Findings 5.3 Key Trends 6. Global Polyester Staple Fiber Market Analysis By Type 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Key Findings 6.3 Key Trends 7. Polyester Staple Fiber Market Analysis By End User 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Key Findings 7.3 Key Trends Transparency Market Research 4