TLA Worldwide Credentials TLA Global Creds & Case Studies_May2019_PRINT | Page 6

B U S I N E S S O V E R V I E W | TA L E N T M A N AG E M E N T Talent Management (AUS) TLA’s Talent Management team in Australia is one of the leading athlete and personality management groups. We guide the careers of athletes and personalities in major domestic and international sports, and across all forms of media. These include athletes in: ƒ ƒ AFL (over 140 players from all 18 clubs) ƒ ƒ Cricket ƒ ƒ Olympic Sports ƒ ƒ Netball ƒ ƒ Coaches ƒ ƒ Sporting Legends ƒ ƒ Media Identities AUSTRALIA