The MUS JCL has had a wonderful first semester and a strong start for the second semester. Last fall, we hosted Fall Festivus, which was, as always, a complete joy, and we are so thankful for everyone who participated to make it a truly special day. To close 2023, we held a Saturnalia celebration where we enjoyed cookies and the challenge of a (perhaps too challenging) Kahoot competition. The spring semester started with a bang when the senior Latin V students defended their Laurea Bubonis projects, MUS's new Latin capstone project experience, before a panel of Latin instructors. Presentations ranged from learning Greek to analyzing the number of words derived from Latin in popular media. That same week was International Languages Week, and the Latin Club played a prominent role. Latin students hung up flags relating to Rome and Latin across the hallways of MUS, and during the Thursday film festival, I gave a devotional entirely in Latin. Looking forward, we are excited to compete in the University of Memphis Language Fair for the first time in several years and are preparing for the Vergilian Society Translating Contest. But most of all, we look forward to seeing y'all again at the TJCL convention.
-Will Gramm (MUS Latin Club Co-Consul)