Title IX and Victim Resource 2022-23 | 页面 5

1 . Go to a safe location . 2 . Call 911 if you need emergency services .
3 . For assistance on campus , contact the Security Office : Cocoa Campus ........................................................... ( 321 ) 403-5907 Melbourne Campus ................................................... ( 321 ) 403-5909 Palm Bay Campus ...................................................... ( 321 ) 403-5911 Titusville Campus ....................................................... ( 321 ) 403-4200
4 . For assistance off campus , contact local law enforcement : Brevard County Sheriff ’ s Office ................................... ( 321 ) 264-5209 Cocoa Police Department ........................................... ( 321 ) 639-7620 Melbourne Police Department ................................... ( 321 ) 608-6731 Palm Bay Police Department ...................................... ( 321 ) 952-3456 Titusville Police Department ...................................... ( 321 ) 264-7800
5 . Seek immediate medical attention if you are injured or have been physically sexually assaulted .
6 . You are strongly encouraged to preserve evidence to the greatest extent possible .
• Do not alter , dispose of , or destroy any physical evidence . If there is suspicion that a drink may have been drugged , inform a medical assistance provider and / or law enforcement as soon as possible so they can attempt to collect possible evidence .
• Preserve evidence of electronic communications by saving them and / or by taking screen shots of text messages , instant messages , social networking pages , or other electronic communications , and by keeping pictures , logs , or copies of documents that relate to the incident and / or perpetrator .
• An individual who has been sexually assaulted should not shower , bathe , douche , smoke , brush teeth , eat , drink , or change clothes or bedding before going to the hospital or seeking medical attention .
7 . Choose how to proceed . You have options and may pursue whatever combination of options is best for you :
• You can do nothing until you are ready ; but please be aware that delays in reporting an incident can jeopardize the outcome of a successful prosecution or administrative finding due to a degrading of available evidence and other factors .
• If you wish to have an incident investigated and resolved by the College , contact the Title IX Coordinator .
• Those who wish to initiate criminal proceedings should contact the law enforcement agency serving the area where the incident took place . If you would like assistance in contacting law enforcement , please visit any Campus Security Office .
• Petition a court for a restraining order or “ injunction ” If you would like to petition a court for an injunction against the perpetrator , contact a local Clerk of Courts Office . See pages 5 and 8 for information on the injunction process and your rights as a victim .
• To pursue other civil legal remedies against the perpetrator , contact an attorney .