Role of Community Influencers & Using Fiscal Solvency cont…
appointee, Roy Roberts, made comments that the purpose of his appointment was to “blow up the district”.
It is also difficult for many Detroiters to accept the State’s pretext of fiscal solvency as the purpose when emails between the
State’s Agent people the Governor meets with reveal the effort was to drive students out of the district.
It is difficult for Detroiters to believe the State’s pretext when borrowing, building, renovating and demolishing and drove the
district into a deficit.
It is hard to believe this is for the children when the emails talk very little about education at all, and when they do mention
“the kids” it is window dressing.
How can we believe the State’s pretext of fiscal solvency when Emergency Manager, Jack Martin receives a $50,000 bonus and
the EAA Chancellor receives a package of nearly $500,000 to educate just 7,000 the poorest and most vulnerable young people
in the nation.?
How can we believe when administrators report one teacher for every 16 students, yet many of those teachers are not really
teaching? How can we believe the Emergency Manager cares about fiscal solvency we he travels with an entourage and the
numbers he most recently provided don’t even bother to add up?
The actions we see do not lend us confidence. In fact, one would have to believe that all black people are ignorant or willing to
sell their soul to try to keep using this justification?
We can’t believe these pretexts to target a minority community with vulnerable young people to make billions of dollars and
leave neighborhoods devastated and children who not only cannot read, but when the ACLU goes to court about the quality of
education the Governor is providing, the Governor argues that he doesn’t owe quality.
How does one succeed to simultaneously speak of improving academic performance while arguing in court that quality is not a
Regardless of the structure of schools, public, charter or private, we should be non-discriminatory, non-retaliatory and
humane. We are writing to you because this isn’t happening.
Public safety, humanity, fairness, quality and the best interest of children has not been shown to be the priority here.
The Emergency Manager doesn’t want us to speak, except about the topics he approves. The Governor’s team does not want
to hear from parents except those who are the handpicked or paid representatives of DPN. Our complaint summarizes the
concerns of hundreds complainants and witnesses.
We do not believe the actions we and the other complainants describe would happen to a white district.
Minority residents who lived under the totality of excuses of fiscal solvency experienced fires raging out of control, basements
of schools flooded with water while there is not enough water pressure in the fire hose to stop the burning up of a rig – fire
fighters begging DWSD for water -caught on video, while down the same block families live for weeks without water.
City officials have stated it is the fault of the Emergency Managers not to have a water shut-off policy in their school closure
process. The DPS officials have stated that they do have a process to shut water off in the building, but it is the fault of the
City not to shut water off at the street. Meeko Williams of the Detroit Water Brigade says: