Title 6 Complaint | Page 27

Role of Community Influencers & Using Fiscal Solvency cont… It is certainly disingenuous, Tonya! We are not equipped under the circumstances to investigate the legality of these actions, such as using DPS resources to plan political moves to supplant the Detroit Board of Education, to get rid of the union and drive students both out of the district and into Charter opportunities, which sapped funds leaving the district unable to pay its debt. Why would State and DPS employees do that? However, this is exactly what the Coalition, which included Robert Bobb was doing. In the emails, Lou Glazer, a member of the group, and Charter expert, made a host of honest and insightful comments. Glazer’s questions indicated that he didn’t care about control and profit but good schools. While he supports Charters, he wanted assurances of quality. The east coast think tank brushed off his more challenging questions: At least someone was honest enough to care about more than getting their hands in the cookie jar. Please note the East Coast think tank’s person target only Detroit Schools. Not Michigan’s schools, or even low performing schools, but Detroit only. These emails were gathered through the discovery process in a court case. However, because this evidence exists in emails between the parties, because many members of the community have already read these emails, because Coalition members have continued to plan in the same fashion to this day to create dire conditions and then craft legislation to address the 25