Title 6 Complaint | Page 23

Role of Community Influencers & Using Fiscal Solvency cont… A home farther west (Fig. 3 ) in 48219 on Bennett, was valued at $86,000 in 2005, after years of State authority, the home sold for $17,000 in June of 2013, and then just $2900 in November of 2014. On the other side of town near pricey Grosse Pointe, (Fig. 4) sits a pretty bungalow in 48224 which was valued at $108K in 2005, but had dropped to $61,000 by the time Governor Snyder came into office. Now the home is valued at just $56,000. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Before all blame is place on national home sales and the economy, let’s look at 100 homes in Regent Park. Each school closure lowered property value of homes in Detroit by $1000. Property located near schools suffered the greatest drops. Below, a family buys a three bedroom brick home in Regent Park i